Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Corporate social responsibility Essay

In the second module, Organizational culture was discussed. It is said that culture is corporate personality. Culture includes the underlying values, beliefs and norms which govern the behavior of people as members of an organization. I have learned that it so important in an organization for it influences success of people in organizations and it is also considered as one of the six key strategic building blocks of successful organizations. There are five key aspects of culture and these include customer-client orientation, employee orientation, performance standards, openness to change and company norms. Culture is the social glue that helps hold an organization together by providing appropriate standards for what employees should say or do. In this module, Values were also discussed. The values of an organization express what it stands for and guide everyone’s behavior when dealing with everything from product development, to each other, to customers and suppliers. Values are ideas that guide or qualify your personal conduct, interaction with others, and involvement in your career. I learned that Values should be considered as part of the decision making and the product / service design and customer care process when developing new products / services. They assist in the development of the organization’s mission statement, vision statement and value statement. Values can support the core competencies of the organization, can serve as the starting ground for all marketing and advertising strategies and messages. Values required to perform work (customer service for example), can be looked for within the values of the people you consider hiring. I have also learned about value system which is a coherent set of values adopted and evolved by a person, organization, or society as a standard to guide its behavior in preferences in all situations. Another is Personal Values which are principles that define you as an individual and also cultural values which includes a person’s faith and customs that sustain connections with your cultural roots. Corporate value system guide an organization’s internal conduct as well as its relationship with its customers and partners. Philosophy of management was also discussed and this a body of related knowledge that supplies a logic for effective thinking in seeking solutions to certain kinds of business problems. These problems can be economic, social or political. The conditions in these problems are rapidly changing and thus a manager’s thinking must be based on fundamentals that do not change. There  are different types of philosophy. These are Organizationa;, ,otivational, crisis and Customer philosophy. In Motivational Philosophy, I have learned different methods of Motivation. How to accept personal responsibility and development of the work environment. On the otherahnd, identifying potential dangers, planning and responding for those dangers are the coverage in Crisis philosophy. Last is the customer philosophy which includes transactional, relationship and mixed-marketing.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Print Media Versus Electronic Media Relations Essay

Print media today is still considered to be the number one medium for public relations practitioners, despite the recent progress were seeing in electronic media and especially the Internet. Public relations practitioners channel any pertinent information through the media in order to send it to its target audiences or shareholders in the company. Public relations professionals mostly deal with print media. Print media is considered an important function for public relations professionals because many newspaper and magazine agencies use new releases. Before the terrible attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001 newspaper readership had been steadily declining in the United States and the rest of the world. After September 11, 2001 newspapers readership had improved as well the media’s image. Americans suddenly wanted to know to be informed about world affairs, specifically the war on terror and protecting our nation. From â€Å"The Practice of Public Relations† book: 49% considered the media â€Å"highly professional,† compared to 73% after 9/11, 59% considered the media â€Å"politically biased,† compared to 47% after 9/11, and 35% believed the news media â€Å"don’t care† about the people they report on, while 47% found them compassionate. Based on a study done by the U.S. Industry & Market Outlook there are 30,700 printing companies in the United States. As for magazines 17,321 are published in the United States according to the National Directory of Magazines. Furthermore magazine readership has seen an increase in its readership. Now I will begin discussing publicity and its relevance. First, off publicity is known as the conscious attempt to manage the public’s perception of a subject. Publicity is achieved by directly working with media. In addition, publicity is understood a more powerful method than advertising. Advertising cost a lot of money. Think about it a full-page ad in the New York Times or Wall Street Journal could cost a company or an individual thousands of dollars. Publicity cost compared to advertising are very low, it merely  costs a company their time and effort to create. Publicity is considered to be more credible than advertising because it’s similar to a third-party endorsement. Its thought of as â€Å"news† so most people will trust it. There are six reasons why publicity works well for an organization. First one is when announcing a new product or service. Like I said earlier publicity is deemed as news so utilizing publicity before advertising is crucial. Second, publicity can be advantageous when recognizing an old product. Third reason is when explaining a complicated product. This means its tough to explain a multifaceted product in an advertisement because advertisements are limited. Companies cannot possibly fit everything they want into a brief advertisement so they devise a publicity stunt such as a staged event to discuss complex products or services. Fourth value of publicity for any organization is little or no budget. This suggests that companies with small budgets cannot afford to devote there time to advertising, so they turn to publicity, which is rather inexpensive and exceptionally effective. The fifth value of publicity is enhancing the organization’s reputation. This in my opinion is very important job for public relations practitioners. The best way to promote or enhance an organization’s reputation is through publicity and not through advertising because it is self-serving and very ineffective. The last reason why publicity makes good sense for any organization is during a crisis. According to our textbook publicity techniques are the fastest and most credible means of response during a crisis. This is also known as damage control, companies frequently choose this route when a crisis occurs. Now I will discuss another form of public relations that’s taken part of print media, propaganda. First off the purpose of propaganda is to influence people’s opinion and manipulate people to change their behavior, rather than to communicate the facts about something. The early uses of propaganda can be traced all the way back in 1600’s. The Catholic Church used propaganda to inform and persuade the public. Back during those days the term propaganda did not have the same negative connotation like it has today. Propaganda also was used during the days that led to the American Revolution. Thomas Paine, Samuel Adams and many others participated in propagating anti-British  information to the rest of the colonies. Common examples where propaganda can be easily found in newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, government reports, news reports, books, posters, and even art work. Next topic that I will discuss is how to pitch publicity successfully. The public relations textbook outlines 10 rules or tips on how to achieve publicity after writing a release. First tip is to know deadlines. Time means everything especially for newspapers. They need stories sent to them at a precise time so they can follow up on the story to make sure its not phony. Second tip is to write to them directly, do not call. Reporters have a great deal deadlines to make, they don’t need another person calling following up on there release. Therefore, writing them a letter is preferable and considered proper etiquette. The third is to direct the release to a specific person or editor. It would behoove any person sending releases to a newspaper to write which department or specific editor needs to see your release. The reason to direct your release to a specific person is because newspapers consist of many departments and even more reporters and writers. Next one is similar to the last one, which is to determine how the reporter wants to be contacted. This shows the reporter that you care about his or her preferences. Something not to do is to badger an editor to get your story to be published. This is a wrong tactic and it wont further your cause. Badgering could only lead to worse results in the future. The next two are to use exclusives but be careful and make sure you do your own calling. Making your own calls instead of letting an assistant to it is a sign of respect. The next suggestions are to not send clips of other stories about your client and to develop a relationship. Developing a good professional relationship is key to accomplishing things. The better you know a reporter the more successful your company will be. The last rule and in my opinion the most important job for a public relations practitioner is to never lie. Once they lose trust in you the relationship is severed and pretty much over. All in all print media is still regarded as the strongest medium for public relations professionals. Print media can be achieved through publicity and advertising. Organizations should always consider publicity before  advertising because it offers some positive benefits. Furthermore propaganda is the spreading of ideas and information for the purposes of inducing or manipulating behavior. For the most part people believe propaganda is usually false, which isn’t necessary true. The last topic I wrote about was how to pitch publicity effectively to reporters; these rules were outlined in our textbook. Electronic media has become king in the twenty-first century. Fifty percent of the nation gets their news from television. Today there are more then the big three networks. Cable television has become a monster itself with many channels devoted to news twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week such as CNN, Fox News Channel, and MSNBC. The internet is also a very fast growing media for people to get their news, especially for teenagers and people in their twenties. Radio also falls under electronic media. Talk radio is also big in today’s nation with many popular radio hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, Howard Stern, and Dr. Laura Schlessinger. But what makes news media so popular? Is it the right here and right now mindset that the people of today have? There are many things that contribute to this. These next couple of paragraphs is going to explore electronic media and public relations of public media. People love to watch TV. I believe I mentioned earlier that fifty percent of the nation gets their news from television. The fact is that most people get their news from the television. The reason this is that there is non-stop bombardment of news and talk shows on at all times. There are even specific news series and channels that specialize in a certain part of the news such as ESPN for sports coverage, Bloomberg TV for stock market coverage, and Entertainment Tonight for the latest celebrity gossip. These specialty television shows have grown together with the growth of cable television. There are so many different news agencies out there now trying to break the big story that public relations representatives for companies are working over time to make sure that their company is not under attack from a nosey reporter trying to rise in the ranks. It is a recurring nightmare for the public relations department of many big corporations. Katie Couric has a great quote on the subject that sums it all up very nicely: â€Å"Some news  coverage has become more salacious, more sensationalistic, less intelligent, more giving people what they want to hear or what you think they want to hear, rather than what you think they need to or should ideally hear.† Because of news shows being on all the time, there is one very important thing that every public relations people should know how to do and that is handle a television interview. If a public relations person does not know what they are doing when being interviewed, they can potentially hurt the company that they are supposed to be representing. There are many different do’s and don’ts that should be remembered when participating in an interview but I am going to skip right down to the most important part. The biggest two things you need to remember when being interviewed is be honest and be prepared. Television publicity is not always a bad thing. Since most people get their news from television, companies usually will want to take advantage of this phenomenon and go to the general public through television. The way companies do this is through the video news release. The people in public relations most often use the video news release for breaking news. Breaking news video releases are sent by satellite directly to a news agency. There is also another type of video news release that is not for breaking news, which is called evergreen video news releases. Evergreen video news releases are often sent to broadcasters on a cassette. This is the case because of the fact that an evergreen video news release is not necessarily as important so time is usually not an issue. Video news releases are very important for the person who works in public relations. There are many important guidelines to video news releases that should be kept in mind while one is being produced. One of the most important things about producing a video news release is localizing it. A VNR will more likely be used if it can be tailored for specific areas. Another thing that should be remembered about VNRs is that a good VNR tells a story. It does need to be a story tailored to the television viewer. This means that the VNR should be short and to the point with sound bites and graphics. It should appear as if the VNR is just like any other piece of  news on the station. A VNR should not be produced if there is nothing to see. If there is no video or no pictures, then it is a waste of time and money. People will not watch it so broadcasting corporations will not even bother to pick it up. There are some downsides and risks to VNRs. I say risks because just like movies at the movie theater, there are going to be some flops. And also just like movies, VNR producers can lose large amounts of money. A public relations person should make sure that a VNR is needed before producing one. The VNR should also be expensive. Do not cheapen the VNR and cut corners because the broadcasting corporations will recognize this and not waste their airtime. Public relations people should also realize that there are other ways to get the news out to the public. Just because something needs to be reported to the public does not mean that a VNR should be used. Some analysis needs to be taken into consideration to make sure that the VNR is actually the right way to distribute the information. There are some controversies on whether VNRs are an accurate and undeceiving form of news yet overall the VNR is an effective way to get an important message to millions of people. Another form of electronic media that is important for all people that practice public relations is the public service announcements. A public service announcement is basically just a long commercial that is played for no cost. The organizations that use these most often are the ones of the non-profit sort or of corporations that are doing non-profit activities to better their public image. Although public service announcements are on television, they are not seen by many except for the night owls. Most, but not all, of the public service announcements are run between midnight and 6:00AM. This is due to the fact that companies need commercials that bring in revenue and since public service announcements do not do that, they often do not get the prime time spots. Most public service announcements are like commercials that try to get the viewer to take a specific course of action. They are not nearly as significant as the video news release from a public relations standpoint. The radio is the last electronic media that will be talked about. Talk radio has become huge in the United States. Twenty-two percent of Americans listen to talk radio according to Scarborough Research. The growth of talk radio can be pinpointed to two reasons. The first is that many more people now work at home. This is because of the rapid growth of technology. People no longer need to go to the office because they can finish all their work at home. The second reason that talk radio has grown is the fact that people drive all the time. Since it is very dangerous to watch television while driving, most people listen to the radio while getting from point A to point B. There are now talk shows on just about any subject you could possibly be interested in from sports to hypnotism to conspiracy theories. People like to listen to talk radio because it is â€Å"real†. Talk show hosts say what they want to say and are paid to have an opinion. Talk shows are also interactive. It gives the people that listen to the show a voice. You can call in and give your opinion on the matter as well. AM talk radio is dominated by conservative viewpoints such as Rush Limbaugh, a pioneer in talk radio. Talk radio can also be very controversial so media directors need to be very selective, careful, and prepared if planning to be on a talk radio program. Because television and radio have become such a big part of everyday life in the United States, public relations people need to be aware of it and use it to the fullest potential. News on electronic media is a here and now type of media. News needs to be short and pointed to make sure that the viewer does not lose interest. Electronic media is the future so public relations people should be exploring the opportunities now.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Two Music Reviews of Sorry For Party Rocking by LMFAO Essay

Two Music Reviews of Sorry For Party Rocking by LMFAO - Essay Example This small assessment essay describes the critical comparison of two music reviews, that were written by two popular music review sites, and on the album ‘Sorry For Party Rocking‘ by LMFAO. When you critically evaluate or compare both the reviews on the same album, you can easily come out with a conclusion each reviewer took different kinds of aesthetics to judge the album. The review written by John Bush on considers the amount of humor and energy that keep listeners stick to the album. This is what we call Aesthetic Contemplation. Listeners don’t need to understand the track to enjoy the song. This is the reason why John Bush rated the album as Good. The review written by Caryn Ganz on looks into rhythms, synths and beats. Caryn just focused on trying to understand the meaning of the song by analyzing the rhythms, beats and synths. This is what theoretical contemplation is. The researcher then compares two reviews and concluds that both the reviews are assessed by using Seel’s three dimensional aesthetic experience of popular music. As per aesthetic contemplation, you immerse yourself into the music by forgetting everything for a short while. Aesthetic Correspondence lets you to shape our surroundings and Aesthetic Imagination helps you stimulate the imagination to get into the emotional characterization and we can easily come to a conclusion John Bush focused more on aesthetic criteria and Caryn reviewed based on rhythms and beats.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Psychoanalytical perspective Trifles by Susan Glaspell Essay

Psychoanalytical perspective Trifles by Susan Glaspell - Essay Example This is because a deeper understanding of human nature can reveal the motivation behind their actions. In this play, the playwright has employed trifles or everyday conversation or incidents to uncover the murder mystery of John Wright. Ironically, what seem trifles to the men folk, such as the quilt and how it was being quilted, was actually the key to solve the mystery. It was of significant importance how it was being quilted because the women could see nervousness and anxiety in the last few stitches by Minnie Wright, which was altogether ignored by men as they were looking for physical evidences only. The dreary and queer ambience of the house arouses sympathy of the two women for Minnie Wright. The incomplete state of the household chores conveys an altogether different meaning than what the men believe that she did not have home-keeping skills. This is because the women associate with each other through their common interests in their womanly and homemaking activities, referred to as ‘trifles’ in the play. Through their simple conservation, the playwright makes sure that the audience gets a hint that the three women are bonded together and understand each other’s psychologies through common experiences and feelings. There is an also an element of isolation and alienation from the mainstream life in the play. The Wrights used to live an isolated life- they were childless and did not have frequent visitors. According to Mrs. Hale, who didn’t think that â€Å"... a place’d be any cheerfuller for John Wright’s being in it.†(Glaspell, 1916) The two women instinctually trace the underlying causes of alienation and its adverse affects on the life and psyche of Minnie Wright. Glaspell symbolically represents Minnie Wright as the ‘caged singing bird’. Mrs. Hale says, â€Å"I wonder how it would seem never to have had any children around. No, Wright wouldn’t like

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Art Appreciation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Art Appreciation - Essay Example The â€Å"Number 1† painting is also known as the Lavender Mist. It is one of the most famous of Pollock’s paintings using his â€Å"drip technique.† Here, a visual prejudice blinds the viewer to the appreciation of real qualities beyond their visual experience as the dripped skeins of colors and the sensation of their existence in a deep space produce the aura of a lavender mist. (Peacock 1995, 207) As with most paintings in Abstract Expressionism, Number 1 features a natural focus on expressivity manifested in gestures as evident in the border of handprints, the body is logos, literal mark-making, among others. The idea is that a painting is not merely a painting, but instead, the painter – his body and his self-expression - is the painting or at least one with it. For me, â€Å"Number 1† is an example of fine art because it shows the exuberance of the American contemporary art, particularly in Abstract Expressionism. While the masses may seem to be offended with â€Å"Number 1† because they cannot make out the meaning visually, the painting communicates to the emotion. It banks on the response or at least the impression of people in the context of their view of reality. Also, as Pollock, himself explained: â€Å"It seems to me that the modern painter cannot express the present age of the airplane, the atom bomb, and the radio in forms of the Renaissance or of any other past culture.† (Gilbaut 1985, 246) And so, in a gigantic piece he sought to capture the very essence of his subject matter and was successful in it. The major reason why Willem de Koonings painting "Excavation" is a masterpiece for me is that it translated and condensed what critics call as our period of anxiety within the four corners of the canvas. The visual impact of the intertwined flashes of eyes, teeth, lips gives the impression of a seething crush in form and it

Friday, July 26, 2019

Assistant rotation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Assistant rotation - Essay Example I was lucky to be able to help put them in place. Then, the most important aspect about the processor is listening in order to put down on the paper. Some children’s parent did not want their kids to have fluoride, and were to follow the parent’s request. These factors included: health risk, allergy, or other medical factors. All the children behaved extremely well in the entire process. I did not have any problem performing FL to them. Subsequently, I noticed by wearing the gown, mast, and loupe might worry them a little. Because I was cheerful in the process of treatment, the children were happy to cooperate with the FLvitamin. This was because we learned about the fluoride topic in the preventive class which helped me to know how to explain simple sentient to them in order for them to understand. For me, the most important experience of this exercise was teamwork. The doctors and the assistant updated the health history for any oral lesion or cavity. We went over the paperwork and applied the FL procedure. The coordinator made sure all the documents were accurate in each block and any waste unopened FL was to be reported. In addition, I was able to take the time to interact with kids and in the process the rotation was also a great improvement on my knowledge and clinical skills. In this regard, I do not have any negative aspects to add because we all had a great experience on this wonderful

Microbiology Laboratory Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Microbiology Laboratory Questions - Essay Example It ferments inulin and produces virulence in mice. While viridans streptococci are optochin resistant, bile insoluble and non-capsulated. They do not ferment inulin and do not produce virulence in mice. (Ross, 1999. p 276) Answer 4. The Quellung reaction was first described by Neufeld (1902). The word â€Å"Quellung† means swelling in German. The polysaccharide antigen in the bacterial capsules reacts with the specific antibody produced in sensitized laboratory animals. This reaction causes the capsule to enlarge and become opaque. This can then be observed microscopically. Several bacterial species namely, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae, Salmonella and Group B Streptococci show a positive test for this reaction. (Fischer et al.) Answer 5. The bacterial capsule plays a vital role in virulence and pathogenesis. It protects the bacterium against the host immune processes like phagocytosis. Also, the capsule provides sites for cellular attachment to the host (Hammerschmidt, 2005). Answer 6. Streptococci grow best on nutrient agar enriched with 5-10% blood, heated blood or serum. The optimum temperature for growth is 37oC though growth can occur between the temperature range of 22-42oC. S. pneumoniae grows optimally in air or hydrogen with 5-10% CO2. Incubation period is 24 hours (Ross, 1999. p 264) Answer7. Blood agar may be defined both as an enriched and differential medium used for culture of fastidious organisms. A differential medium enables to distinguish one microorganism from another based on the growth properties on the same medium. Blood agar differentiates microorganisms based on their hemolytic properties. Hemolysis is of three types alpha or partial, beta or complete and gamma or no hemolysis. A good example of use of blood agar as a differential medium is seen in grouping Streptococci. S. pneumoniae and viridans streptococci are alpha hemolytic, Group A S.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Impact of Apple Devices on Society Research Paper

The Impact of Apple Devices on Society - Research Paper Example From the discussion it is clear that Apple Inc is a renowned America-based multinational conglomerate operating in software as well as hardware industry. The head office of Apple is situated in Cupertino in the region of California. It was established in the year 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne. It possesses in its assortment variety of products such as iPod, iTunes, iPhone, Apple TV, Mac accessories, and software to gratify customers’ desires. There are about 364 retail stores of Apple operating to present excellent products and /or services to its customers. In addition, the company employs approximately 60,400 employees across the globe to maintain its operations in an efficient way. As the paper highlights Apple has offered more attention to the facet of constant research and development to present various types of innovative products to the people. It facilitated Apple to expand its market share and profitability by a considerable extent. Moreover, it also improved the total sales of its products, thereby amplifying its supremacy in the market as portrayed in the figure below. The sales growth of the products of Apple is also shown in the below diagram, which reveals that the citizens across the globe highly prefer the products of Apple. In fact, the demand and the supremacy of the products of Apple amplified in recent years. Apple is recognized as one of the most successful brands in software market across the globe.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

CASE STUDY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Case Study Example The handheld solution was a lot better than the laptop solution because of various reasons. First reason being that the time needed to boot the laptop, login to the VPN and access the information was same as that needed to call CSRs. This meant that salespersons would rather call the CSR than use their laptop. This was not the case with Smartphone, information was accessible in seconds. Second was the portability and simplicity factor of the Smartphone. It was lot easier to carry and simpler to use when compared to laptops. The other types of information, besides inventory, that the salesperson might like to have access to over their BlackBerry phones are customer database, product catalogue, price details, order status information, sales forecasts, sales targets, sales force route planning and navigations, internet, market research, etc. There are numerous security issues that arise when there is mobile access to private corporate information. The company’s confidential information can be now accessed by anybody who can get through the network. Crackers can easily break into networks if there aren’t strict security policies. This information can be used against the company in numerous ways. Apart from access to information various changes can be made to the network that can make a deep impact on the company. Barriers that exist in businesses that hamper the adoption of enterprise 2.0 are traditional business culture and the belief that social networking leads to generation of huge amounts of worthless data. According to traditional business culture the time spent on social networking sites eats from the actual productivity. The best way to make a case for the implementation of Enterprise 2.0 is to highlight the effectiveness in communication among different departments of the company. It makes it even more attractive if the company has an international presence. Also, the wrong notion that Enterprise 2.0 applications

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Running a Business on Smartphones Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 69

Running a Business on Smartphones - Case Study Example The companies are able to resolve customer issues with fewer processes, for example through the use of CPS, making the customers more satisfied. The use of the phones eased and cheapened the process of transactions, reducing unwanted costs. For example, Lloyd was able to cut the time used for data entry and dispatch, the fuel costs were cut by more than 30% and a reduction in unauthorized stops. In overall, the company was able to reduce its cost an estimated 100 million dollar profit in 2007. Most employees feared their jobs were over with the implementation of the smartphones. The introduction of the phones could lead to a fewer workforce for the companies. For example, Lloyd reduced their staff from 100 to just 40; hence the employees were right to be scared of the implementation. 1. The management of the company should come up with a system that tries to blend the existing workforce and the new initiative rather than wiping out most of the staff. The system could work in such a way that the existing staff is retained for some period, like until their current contract expires. The company could come up with an application that allows the customers an easy access to the company’s information rather than going through the internet by themselves. The application should be able to send daily updates to their customers about any changes. The firm could use an application that can keep it updated on any market changes, weather conditions. The application could be linked to a central database, and when there are any changes in weather conditions, the information is relayed to all its employees.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Frankenstein and Macbeth Essay Example for Free

Frankenstein and Macbeth Essay The novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, both adhere to the Shakespearean view of tragedy. They contain elements of the supernatural and use literary devices like Nemesis Pathos. We see the passion ambition of characters, ultimately leading to their tragic flaw. But in both cases, not every character is deserving of his/her fate. Frankenstein and Macbeth, both contain elements of the supernatural. In Macbeth there are witches and powers of witchcraft. On the other hand, the story of Frankenstein contains a so-called devil in flesh the Monster. Both Macbeth and Frankenstein are above-average human beings with exceptional qualities. In both cases, the tragic hero is a man of tremendous potential and capability. The Monster created by Frankenstein is totally supernatural. There are also supernatural occurrences in Macbeth, like for instance when King Duncan is murdered. The two stories have a main character, Frankenstein and Macbeth. They both have a hero and a heroine in them. In the story, Macbeth and Frankenstein suffer due to their simple mistake that led to serious consequences. Both the stories arise pity and fear in the audience or readers. Towards the end, we feel a need for these characters to be punished for their crime (Nemesis). The stories end with the death of Frankenstein and Macbeth. The tragedy lies in the fact that their greatness is being wasted. We see passion and ambition tempt an essentially good man to embark on a course of action that sends him on the downward path to destruction. Macbeth and Frankenstein are driven by passion, which ultimately become their tragic flaw. Frankenstein is not a villain. He is a tragic figure who was tempted and who fell. Macbeth on the other hand, is not merely a tyrant.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Business Plan Of 643744 Company

The Business Plan Of 643744 Company This business plan provides to shareholders and customers an analysis and evaluation of the prospective marketing capability, product capability, and profitability of small computer industry-643744 Company in three years by running business simulation SimVenture. 643744 Company designs products, and sales superior computers, focusing on the professional services customers. Based on the investigation of resources, strengths, and capabilities competitive, customer, and environmental issues, company establishes their vision, mission, and achieving goals over three financial years. The companys vision is Walking in the forefront of times. The mission and goals have been represented in table 1. Currently, the basic salary of the owner is planned  £1500 per month. Table : The Companys mission and goals in following 3 years Year Mission Goals 1st Year Our products must be: Sophisticated in quality Offer good value Beautiful artistic style, and Philosophically inspiring Our role is to play a vigorous part in markets. We can improve people lives to be happier and effective through their use of our products. Devising the idea design to meet customers needs Accomplishing above 50 orders 300 products 2nd year To be the No.1 computer service company in the world and among the premier industrial concerns in terms of quality, profitability and growth, through innovative leadership. Enlarge its markets Accomplishing 100 orders 1000 products 3rdYear To be the preeminent building block supplier to the worldwide electronics business. Achieving 150 orders monthly 1500 products Targeting global markets 643744 Company followed the strategic planning process (Ferrell Hartline, 2011:32), which was separated into 4 sections. It focuses on integration of effort to achieving operation, sales and marketing, human resource (HR), and finance stated objective (Ferrell Hartline, 2011:39). In the sales and marketing section, it analyses the market prospect though marketing research and customer research. Then it provides marketing strategy and risk management plan, dealing with marketing promotion via advertising channels to achieve customer needs and build customer values. In operation, it involves in the strategy of the Supply chain management (SCM), the Just-in-time (JIT) inventory control, and outsourcing management. In HRM, it focuses on employee recruitment, training and evaluation. Functional strategy aims to meet companys mission, goals and objectives. It also evaluates the effort on organizations sales, costs, image, and profitability. Finally, the business plan explains financial r isks management, and reveals the cashflow and the profit and loss forecasts over three years. This program conducted has limitations on that the business will not be registered for VAT in software SimVenture calculation. Sales marketing Marketing research Via a range of Ad hoc research (Jobber Fahy, 2009:85), company targeted at professional services market. According to the market report (Figure 12 in appendix), by contrast with other 5 segments, the professional services have 2415 market shares with 24 months order frequency. It has to succeed by good quality, good style, and above javerage features. Thus, the fixed cost can be generally calculated in  £450 per unit. It has more potential interests under the typical price than solo business and service companies. Competitor research 643744 Companys competitive strategy focuses on new product developing strategy to be a low-cost manufacturer and improve the cost-effectiveness of production process (Czinkota, 2000:268-269). According to the competition research and analysis (Figure 13 and table 19 in appendix), companys competitor, Parry systems, is a medium size maker of fashionable computers in professional services market. In the company competitive strategy, firstly, managers can influences on consumer behavior in buying situation by affording information-rich communication through advertising and the sales forces (Fill McKee, 2012:75-79). Thus, company supports marketing promotions applying institutional and product advertising (Ferrell Hartline, 2011:299), via different channels. Additionally, though the Voice of customer (VOC), company can offer marketing programs to raise customer satisfaction and create long-term reputation (Ferrell Hartline, 2011:354). Czinkota (2000:104) commented that a successful c ompany should focus on the differentiation of chief players in the marketplace, which will react to the companys changes in business tactic, rather than customers reactions on new product or business strategy. Sales and marketing strategy On the marketing promotion strategy, The 643744 Company performed in transation market, personal selling, and distributor sales channels, taking suggestion from Jobber and Fahys theory (2009:230). It explains that the consumer and trade promotion could be considered through those 11 approaches (Figure 1), including price discounts, premiums, money off, allowances, free goods, and loyalty cards etc. Figure : Consumer and Trade promotion (Sources: Jobber Fahy, 2009:230) In the pricing strategy, the price changes and setting might occur over the products life cycle (PLC) (Ferrell Hartline, 2011: 239), which is also influenced by costs, competitions and marketing (Hobber Fahy, 2009:194). Homozi (et al., 2002:755) believes the most central point is where the pricing strategy realistically places the business in comparison to the competition. Based on the monthly customer research and break-even analysis, company apply the price penetration strategy (Czinkota 2000:513), and pricing promotion strategies. However, the strategy is a continuous process rather than a single event (Pollard and Hotho, 2006). The further information is illustrated in the table 2: Table : marketing promotion planned strategy The 643744 Company focuses on the international market in the future, which is the most effective management of B2B operations (Lages, Abrantes, Lages, 2008, cited in Sharland, 2001; Katsikeas, 2006). However, this is remarkable considering that although small business is not able to compete on price with large international companies (Lages, Abrantes Lages, 2008). Day (1984:102-103) recommends, management general strategies could be considered by increasing sales volume, or improved productivity or margins (Figure 2). Nevertheless, it is difficult to evaluate the factual scanty order and insufficient profitability in marketing strategy. Customer satisfaction depends on their exceed expectation, which is created by pre-buying experiences and discussion with other customers (Jobber Fahy, 2009:6). Therefore, strategically, the product design is the key to entry into professional service market, which can be succeeded in minimum two months. Then managers need to improve their product design by monthly customer research, due to the PLC theory (Fill McKee, 2012:44). Additionally, Company determines to contract out automatically by normal quality within 5 minutes on testing to prevent faulty products and build business reputation. Purchasing A successful supply chain management (SCM) can fetch competitive advantage and better margins (Fill McKee, 2012:182). Company selects ProSupply supplier with more flexible payment terms, which has been considered its insufficient order quantity at introduction stage of the PLC. As the marketing expanded, suppliers could be changed to Sourceline or MegaParts with more discounts (Planed in the table 4). One of SCM risk is the approach of cooperation with upstream associates to obtain efficient and effective supply of materials ¼Ã‹â€ Guido et al., 2008 ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °. Nevertheless, Fill and McKee (2012:182) believe that a penny saved here becomes millions saved there. The company relocates working place started into a Small Business Centre that provides partial units, beneficially for new business, and cheaper than other commercial premises. Due to the limitation of Small Business Centre, in the latter two years, managers will rearrange the office into a retail unit. The table 5 represents the detail with calculation. The started-up office resources (Table 6) are one standard office equipment and two premium tools. Having a car can be considered in the third year. In the later two years, the double quantities in each will be required at the end. People The company selected the hard and soft model of human resource management (HRM) that integrates hard and soft HR performance. Price (2011:548, cited in Storey, 1989) believes that People are led rather than managedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦involved in determining and realizing strategic objectives Basic on the initial information of staff skills, business owner required more capabilities training on research, marketing, and sales, etc. it will be improved efficiently by training centre course. The working time will be under 60 hours per week. On the other hand, Setting-up a limited company in law is essential before the business owner goes full-time, which intends to implement after the first year. For the future business expansion, employment contract is required and employees are under controlled in 5 members. Creating statutory contacts with customers is obligatory at the beginning. Finance Forecasting Amir (et al, 2002) argues the lack of liquidity is the greatest threats to start-up business. Cashflow can help businessmen ensure when extra cash requires and plan accordingly. The company has capital  £10,000 in bank balance for starting business. The three-year cashflow forecast and the Profit and loss forecast have described in appendix 2, in the which, the predictive profit is  £311,182 over three years. Additionally, it is essential to prepare a contingency plan (presented in table 7). Through the process of contingency plan, dealing with the immediate consequences of the potential severity is to compensate for the changes, and shift to the minimized impact on the businesses viability. Table : Contingency plan of financial risks (Source: Author) Potential severity Solution Sales are less than forecasted Increasing marketing promotion To do more advertise or personal sales Reduce price Start-up finance takes three months longer to obtain Increasing working hours Using professional Consultant Liabilities, financial crisis in the short term Borrow money from the bank, around  £5,000- £10,000 for 6 months Money required to expand business Borrow money from friends family with lower interest rate in long-term Cash flow interrupted Raising money from banks or friends in a short term The limitation in this business plan is no registered for VAT in software SimVenture. Company decides do bookkeeping in-house to saves cost. Company credit control is under 30 days for deports. If customers credits are overdue one or two months, managers will make a phone call first; if it is overdue three months, company will utilize legal threat in the county court. REFLECTIONS ON THE BUSINESS PLAN Through creating the business plan, I learnt and understood three core points during the process of project. It has been explained in this business plan reflection. Initially, I understand that everything has been relative through the approach of functional strategy (Kazmi, 2008:435) in the business plan. Any analysis could not be totally separated into specific objective during considering of all information. For me, the first significant experience was to learn the way of consideration from the overall point of view. Previously, I thought the plan could be distinct from marketing, operation, HRM and finance aspects, same as their subordinate factors. Later, I noticed that, in operation section, I had to ensure the product design and how many components required. Then I can select SCM strategy, improving productivity, and setting price based on gross margin according to the fixed cost. I realised all elements were strongly associated by business activities. Having reading extra references (Quran: Surah Al Hajj, verse 22:76), now I believe that everything happens for a strong connection and for a reason. Additionally, I have learnt that nothing can be absolutely identified as good or bad. Daft (2012:191) recommends the advantage of start-up business is that entrepreneurs are able to create and grow the business in their own way. It is similar as traditional Chinese medicine. One herb can save peoples life, also can be poison capturing their life, which depends on the approach of using it. This understanding is essential to me as a practitioner. As a next step, I need to arrange my planning structure more strategically and comprehensively. Secondly, several of information could not be predictive in the business plan due to the special marketing period and the PLC and timelessness. As stated by Romano and Ratnatunga (1995), small and emerging firms face marketing critical issues for their survival and growth. For me, the meaningful aspect is the awareness to economic issues in the world and the PLC period in the market. In the Simventure, it does not need to consider the real global environment, at the same time, managers not need to care about more than one competitor. Although, the simulate system makes the process of business plan become easier, in the real world, those aspects can become core issues and hard, especially when the company attempts to expand global markets. However, I am conscious of the marketing information and products analysis has timeliness, which has been strongly related with global economic events. Nowak and Washburn (1988) also prove that timeliness is one of core elements focused by marketing research clients. Therefore, in the next time, I need to do more researches and consider about business environments by timeliness in the real business world. For me, the most meaningful experiences are the self-education that, as a top manager, to put all the information together, and maintain a big picture view while concurrently keeping an eye on the details (Ferrell Hartline, 2011:256). Previously, I read various theories and references based on trail Simventure. It covers the knowledge about marketing management, human resource management, financial management, international management, and management process, etc. Subsequently, the crucial information are selected and organized. Therefore, I understand, the process of doing assignment has specific procedures. Firstly, it needed to unearth modules of process, and determine the objective, mission and goals. Next, I identified core issues by functional objectives. To the question, I went to research required references and resources, providing constructive business plan. Finally, I will evaluate and prove decision-making strategies in management reports. Equally, this could be related to all project processes, not only in the business area. For example, when I map out any new field, I can go through the process with to identify goals, outline the targeting vital objectives in new field, and then to evaluation outcomes. Having this project, I found the key to acquiring proficiency in any task is the way how to study, in which, more is self-educated with unforgettable experiences. In the next project, I need to balance the macroscopic and microcosmic views with a lucid outline. Overall, I reflected three central points of building business plan. Firstly, all objectives have a relative connection by reasons, which could not be clearly separated. Secondly, business strategies and implementation have timeliness in the entire process. Finally, self-education is the key to open every field, which also require maintaining a big view with an eye in detail. THE MANAGEMENT ANNUAL REPORT OF 643744 COMPANY Executive summary 643744 Company is committed to operating computer business in the world widely, focusing on products design and production in professional services marketing. It has been established since January 2013 for three years, with capital  £10,000. Companys vision is Walking in the forefront of the times. 643744 Company aims to be a preeminent building block supplier of fashionable computer in the global market. Managers set up their mission and long-term goals for three years running business, aiming to improve innovative products and services, stepwise achieve profitable growth (Reading, 2002:360). Generally, the main achievement of 643744 Company is by product design, marketing promotion and business forecast, which follows JIT management process theory. In finance, at the end of 2015, the company has value  £1,469,003.6177, net profit  £21,925.8363, current liability  £112,245, and no long-term liability. Moreover, 643744 Company was invested by grants for  £1000 on employees training and research. By financial analysis of 643744 Company, in 2015, its ratio of ROCE (Return on Capital Employed) has achieved 59%, therein  £167,671 current assets, and  £282,562 current liabilities. Its current ratio, for measuring liquidity of company, is 3.43. The asset turnover, for measuring utilization of companys assets, is 3.51. In sales and marketing, 643744 Company applied marketing strategies (Ferrell Hartline, 2011) and international management theory (Deresky, 2010), with various marketing promotion and sales channels, resulted in brilliant corporate reputation in the international marketing. Over three years, the total investment of marketing advertising is  £47,175, including newspaper, TV or radio, direct marketing, the public relations building, business club, premium websites, exhibition, and relative premises. It goes via different sales channels, containing traditional sales, personal selling, and distributor sales. However, the company won a wonderful reputation by prestigious advertising. Through three years, 643744 Company sold approximately 3400 items, which has exceeded 1000 units than business pervious plan. In operation, in 2013, 643744 Company applied operational management strategy (Brown, et al., 2005:67), involving in SCM, JIT, PLC theories. According monthly customer research, this suitable design keeps meeting customers needs, and no need to reset. The fantastic products of professional serves completes with 79% quality, 47% performance, 79% features, and 97% style. It totally requires with 65 components. Additionally, the company offered excellent reasonable price with 30 day credits, and discount pricing promotion, which is based on Jobber Fahy (2009:204) pricing strategies. It is satisfied by customers as well. In organization, during those three years, the organization of 643744 Company expanded maturely, which followed organizational management strategies (Daft, 2012). At the end of 2015, the company had three workers, except business owner, Ian and Mark. Business owner went to full-time job in 2013. Additionally, the companys premise started at a small business centre, then changed to retail unit and the business park. Overall, 643744 Company managers realized several issue about the company premises arrangement, financial cashflow risk management, marketing promotion selection and implementation. Firstly, it is difficult to calculate the utilizing space of premises for running long-term business, due to unexpected growth of product sales in a started-up business. Additionally, credit control is a key factor in finance for a successful small company, which related its monthly cashflow and bank balance. The shortage of cash influences on SCM, resulted in stopping components delivery. Otherwise, the company will lose all of orders and customers in next month. Especially, once the company entre into globalization, it will be more difficult to collect debts. Finally, the marketing promotion has plenty of methods. Not all of them fit professional service, which needs to be measured and researched by managers experience in marketing. Eventually, even though, in the simulated Simventure, this company not needs to be registered for VAT, in real world which has to be forecasted. It is significantly important in the international business, particularly on export products and import components. The first year management annual report Business details The 643744 Company Inc. is a small new company, providing computer design and production in the world widely. In the 2013 financial year, it achieved profits with  £2,661 by  £10,000 capital. Companys mission and goals: Mission: Companys products must be sophisticated in quality, offer good value, beautiful artistic style, and philosophically inspiring. As a vigorous part in the market, company has capability improve people lives through their use of companys products. Goals: Company devises the idea design to meet customers needs and compete with competitors, And accomplishing 50 orders and 300 products of product at end of year. Key staff members Company owner goes full time in September 2013, at the end with  £1,300 on salary. Sales and Marketing During running the business of 643744 Company in the 1st year, the core issue involved in the sales that did not catch the predicted value and delayed the business planning goals. Additionally, the scenarios of the business was making business managers concerned, which increased their stress level and declined the efficiency of organizational work. This was caused by business performance instability that presented in the lack of order and sale. This problem threatened the companys reputation that is the most valuable assets for a film (Haywood, 2002:112). However, the company decided to implement marketing strategy, as below, for enhancing the sales and orders to meet the planning profit. The certain solution of symptom has two approaches. These are basic on the marketing strategy Days theory (1984:102-103) in business plan (Figure 2). Internally, managers were constantly in a state of training, with no knowledge where it should be heading (It has been explained more in the organization section). Externally, the promotional and marketing research activities were developed, in order to achieve the sales quantity in short-term and long-term. This view was supported by Rowley (1998:383, cited in Mercer, 1996: 309): The ideal form of promotion is the conversation, which takes places between the expert sales professional and his or her customer. It is interactive and conversation is specific to the needs of both. Other forms of promotion, which deal in the average needs of groups of people can only hope to approximate to this ideal. Firstly, managers applied various marketing promotion to advert its products, and build companys reputation. It followed the previous business plan. Rowley (1988:384) suggests the tool of promotion mix can be advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, personal selling, and sponsorship, which could be combinative or individually utilized. It had been applied in the first year and represented in the table 9. Through the implementation of marketing promotions, company realized the direct marketing was not effective as in the supported theory. Jobber Fahy (2009:255) claimed unlike many other forms of communication, direct marketing usually requires an immediate response. Unfortunately, due to the result in 2013, the 5 months promotion on direct marketing did not bring plentiful customers to the firm. It was proved by monthly customer research. The reason behind of it could be the organization of company was not mature enough. The total cost nearly caught the marketing promotion budget in table 3. Second one is the implement of pricing rise or fall strategy (Jobber Fahy, 2009:204) in pricing promotion. Since May 2013, company had set price at  £670 per unit with 3% discount for 3 month. Strategically, company still had  £162 interest per unit. Consequently, the number of order quantity (Finger 3) rose from 2 orders in April to 12 orders in May. Substantially, the sales were continuing growth up. Figure : The order quantity in the first year Operation In the first year, 643744 Company implemented the product design after 4 months researching and designing. The product had 79% quality, 47% performance, 79% features, and 97% style in 65 components, which had better design than in the business plan (Table 3), represented in figure 4. The Component was purchased from ProSupply by  £7.50 per item as planning. Figure : Product design comparing with competitor and panned design In SCM, company decided retaining the current supplier rather than changing another supplier right now with more discounts. The reason behind of it was the payment to supplier. Company could not pay off all of credits by 30 days, due to without enough liquidity. This potential financial risk leads to the increasing fixed cost of production. However, the operation management planned to improve it in the next year. Organization Since in February 2013, 643744 Company had relocated at Small Business Centre ( £15 per sq ft) with 300 sq ft for one year, and fortified office resources as planned in table 5. The only issue in organization was the requirement of developing office recourses and employment in organization. It was causes of the limitation on the working time and the shortage of production equipment and tools. Consequently, the productivity and working effectiveness had been impacted, as well as the tiredness of employee. However, the Company followed in the business plan, applying hard HRM model into organization. After managers solved out the limitation of company set-up, customer and employment contracts, business owner went full-time work in September. Bratton Gold (2007: 324) argues many firms neglect Human resource development (HRD), as a central, other than to keep production in shape. Thus, the vocational training was required instantly on marketing, production, sales, and research, which had implemented by  £500 training grant supported. It enhanced productivity and proved by working effectiveness in the Simventure. However, the Company plans to recruit 2 more employees in the following financial years. Finance 643744 Company had been facing a potential liquidity issue on finance in the first year. According to the first year annual report (Table 20), too lower sales and massive debtors restrained the companys cashflow, as described by Fiedler, Brown Moloney (2002:40) in the finger 5. Thus, the money of paying purchasing was limited, which impacted on operation strategy and companys profitability. Figure : The overlap of market, credit and liquidity risk (Source: Fiedler, Brown Moloney, 2002:40) For this financial crisis, the company decided to develop marketing capability and credit control, rather than increasing long-term liabilities. Due to the low profitability monthly, additional long-term liabilities only would lead company into stressed market conditions. However, the credit control has been set up, as in the business plan finance section. Consequently, the current liability was  £38,524.575 2013 with 237sales quantity, and  £2660.9687 net profit at the end of December. On the other hand, Company obtained  £500 grant on Training by this year. Managers selected to do bookkeeping in-house. The second year management annual report Business details The 643744 Company was committed to technologies and products that focused on Professional Services selling field. It united the goals of customer value with sustainable development in the world widely. In the 2014 financial year, the company had achieved  £751,628 on sales. Companys goals were to enlarge its markets, and accomplished 100 orders and 1000 products at end of year. Key staff members Company owners salary was  £1,300. In April 2014, the company employed one staff-Ian for  £14500 per year, with 40 per week working hours, and 4 weeks holiday per year. Sales and Marketing In 2014, 643744 Company aimed to expand its markets and increase their regular sales to 1000, as described in the business plan to prepare into international market. According to the last year reserved profits, it was necessary to attract more loyal customers and enlarge the profitability substantially, in order to avoid raising credit risk and decreasing portfolio values (Fiedler, Brown Moloney, 2002:38). In this case, the price discount and money off could be applied into Simventure. The company decided to develop sales strategy promotion and advertising strategy to boost sales over the short term (Gabriel, Kottasz Bennett, 2006:506). The first solution is managing price by using promotional discounting tactics. Since January until March 2014, the company had set price promotion with 3% discount on  £670 per unit for three months. According to the break-even analysis, the company could obtain net interests  £162 per unit. As a result, during those three months, the number of sales had notably boosted to above 90 orders. Moreover, the planned price penetration strategy was unsuitable at this year growth stage in PLC. Strategically, managers applied competitor-orientated pricing strategy (Jobber Fahy, 2009:196) to change base price to  £680 and provided 2% discount, which retrained for 4 months from April. Particularly, after the company changed to SourceLine supplier, the interest can reach to  £240 per unit. Consequently, the sales order reserved to 105 units in July 2014. The order quantity (Figure 6) proved that the price strategy was effective. Figure : The order quantity in the second year Secondly, the company decided to improve marketing strategy. The Company desired to enhance the visibility and good corporate reputation in a new era of computer marketing. According to the sample survey of customer research, managers analysed the efficiency of all marketing promotion methods, resulted as Figure 7. Thus, the Company directly focused on adverts promotion and premium website rather than direct marketingthat parts budget moved to advertising as well. Figure : The analysis of marketing promotion in the first year and second year Obviously, advertising promotion had more efficiency in figure 7. Hackley (2005:84) recommend advertising can swiftly build the awareness of audience. As stated by Levinson (2007:175), most small business owner never ever consider advertising on magazines, due to the lack knowledge of regional editions, remnant space, in-house agency discount etc. By provided information of advertising in the Figure 8, trade magazine had high effectiveness. Thus, the Company decided to spend more on trade magazine with  £8,400. Figure : The advertising efficiency of Professional services In this year, the company had invested  £14,110 on marketing promotion overall, which was in excess of the promotion budget around  £2,000, listed in table 3: However, those sales and marketing promotion leaded the company increase the sales. At the end of this year, the company has sold out 1127 items totally, and achieved more than 130 orders monthly. Operation 643744 Company aimed to develop SCM with JIT management process for controlling liquidity risks. In the Ap

Hart Fuller Contrasting Points Positivism And Natural Law Philosophy Essay

Hart Fuller Contrasting Points Positivism And Natural Law Philosophy Essay In our daily life the law playing prominent roles. The law always prohibits, controls, regulates as how the society need to act and behave. In order to avoid from being charged from any penalty the society has to ought to follow the law or regulation by the government. Previously, the natural law which may come from morality, reason, God, or some other such source ruled the people. Whereby the natural law acts as positive law as there is existence of particular ideal principles or importance to which the positive law should be consistent if it is to be as genuine law. Moral concerns invade the law at every aspect. The inflexibility of distinction between morality and the law- even it is continue to analytical clarity-is, to natural lawyers, highly difficult to believe. The legal positivists search for a value free account of law is contradicts the claims by the natural lawyer which it is failed to do the very fundamental of law, its morality- that the act of positing lawà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ can and should be guided by moral principles and rules; that those moral norms are a matter of objective reasonableness, not of whim, convention, or mere decision.  [1]  It is simply means that the legislators need come up with law which needs to be comply with moral concerns and need with apply to all the situations rather than it is being a passing impulse, formal agreement between the people and government. As far we concern as long we have good law does not mean we can produce a good society. The inner morality must be there in each individual so only we can develop a good society. Example, we have law shop lifting in all shops, where the shop lifters need be handed to police. The securities of the shop duties to keep on eye on shop lifters. As they catch any shop lifters they not able to touch them or scold them to put back the things as they prohibits to do so by safety and health law. The shop lifters should know that is to not good ethics, which need to come from their mind. This cannot be forced by any law. The law just being guidance for our daily life, mainly our inner morality is important to our daily life. Each individuals need to think and rationalize things which is good or not. Based on our selected perspective Hart and Fuller debate demonstrated the contrasting points of positivism and natural law. Lon Fuller found for family resemblance in different types of natural theories especially on principles of social order  [2]  . I discern, and share, one central aim common to all schools of natural law, that of discovering those principles of social order which will enable men to attain a satisfactory life in common. He also assumed that in all principles of natural law it was assumed that the process of moral discovery is a social one, and that there is something akin to a collaborative articulation of shared purposes by which men come to understand better their own end to discern more clearly the means for achieving them. Fuller claiming that the basic belief of natural law is an affirmation of the role of reason in legal ordering  [3]  . Fuller says that there is necessary for the relation between morality and law. As we can see he implies the law with practical value. Fullers initial argument that a legal system on purposive human enterprise of subjecting human conduct to the governance of rules. He simply means that the legal system had other objectives as well. In order a system of law to be qualified, the certain procedural objectives needs to be acknowledged as goals rather than being imply arbitrary force. A statute law (and other made law) were involved needs that they be sufficiently general (there must be rules); publicly promulgated; sufficiently prospective; clear and intelligible; free of contradictions; sufficiently constant through time so that people can order their relation according; not require the impossible; and be administered in a way sufficiently congruent with their wording so that people can abide by them  [4]  . These principles he described as an internal morality of law as they implyin g the concept of law. It also can be called as morality because they come up with standards for examining official conduct. If the legislators make rules which are not possible to obey by citizens it will lead to failure in making the law. In the event it will result in something bad law but not law at all. We can say that the law not reflecting a system of rules which is completely incapable of guiding conduct of legal system In order the system to be acknowledge as law it must essentially follow standard with principles of legality, and since according to Fuller he supports for particular moral values. It follows that we cannot describe the nature of law without resource to moral concepts. The concepts of legality are laws inner morality or resource to moral concepts. In Fuller point of view the Nazi Germany law can distinct from the ideal legal morality as Nazi law is created based applying things that have happened in the past. Fuller believes that if the legislators follow the procedural ideas which are create into the idea of law they more likely to provide good laws. He goes on to say that rest on the assertion of a belief that may seem naÃÆ' ¯ve, namely that coherence and goodness have more affinity than coherence and evil (Fuller, 1958, p 636). For when men are compelled to explain and justify their decision towards goodness ( Fuller,1958, p 636)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.ask lohitha. H.L.A Harts Concept of Law (1961) is made research on connection between law, coercion, and morality. it is just a trial to answer the question whether all the law may be appropriately conceptualized as coercive orders or as moral commands. There is no need of link between law and coercion or between the law and morality says by Hart. He explain that to categorized all law as coercive orders or as moral commands is to oversimplify the relation between law, coercion, and morality. He further expands that to conceptualize all laws as coercive orders or as moral commands is to enforce a deceptive existence of uniformity on different types of laws and different types of social purposes which law may perform. He claims that to describe that all law as coercive orders is to mischaracterize that purpose and function of some law and is to misunderstand their content, mode of origin, and range of application. Simply means that the law supposes to imply to all citizen according to purposes or objectives of law rather than being arbitrary force. Hart says that primary rules of obligation which is the law enforces law or obligation towards individuals. For system of primary rules to work effectively, secondary rules may also be necessary in order to provide an authoritative statement of all the primary rules. If the primary rules seem to be incomplete or inadequate there is opportunity for the legislators me by can update the law in secondary rules. The secondary rules become very important when the courts utilizes to resolves any issues arise over interpretation and application of it. The secondary rules of a legal system may thus include 1) rules of recognition, 2) rules of change, and 3) rules of adjudication. If the rules are clear, not ambiguous and understandable to all individuals then only the primary rules of legal system can be run effectively. If it not so it may create uncertainty on obligations which they imposed to individuals. In secondary rules of legal system may also leads to uncertainty where there vagueness and ambiguity as to whether courts have legal authority over disputes relating to interpretation and applications of laws. Hart asserts that primary rules of obligation are not in themselves sufficient to establish of a system of law that can be formally recognized, changed, or adjudicated. Where it means that primary rules solely not able to provide a good law which can useful for all individuals. The primary rules need to work together with secondary rules from the initial stage of legislation. The combination of primary and secondary rules can acknowledge a legal system (although Hart does not claim that this union is the only valid criterion of a legal system or that a legal system must be described in these terms in order to be properly defined). Hart divided external and internal ideas on how the rules of a legal system may be explained or judged. The external idea can be said that where an observer who does not need to follow the rules of legal system. They can able to judge the scope of the rules of the legal system cause something in usual form of conduct on the part of individuals to whom the rules apply. Contrast with internal point of view, where individual who are regulated by the rules of the legal system and who obey the rules as normal of conduct. Harts discussion can make conclusion in such way that we cannot understand law other than as a standard practice, as a practice which uses the standard vocabulary of ought to, entitled to and only legal statement are practical.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Message of Awareness :: Essays Papers

A Message of Awareness James Joyce’s book Dubliners, is composed of several intriguing short stories. Joyce’s main emphasis is to send a â€Å"wake up call† to the people of Dublin about the appalling conditions of Ireland. In a letter to his publisher Joyce tells him that he â€Å"seriously [believes] that [the publisher] will retard the course of civilization in Ireland by preventing the Irish people from having one good look at themselves in my nicely polished looking-glass† (qtd. in Beja 33). Joyce proves his assertion through his use of characters and situations in the short stories â€Å"The Boarding House,† â€Å"A Little Cloud,† and â€Å"The Dead.† In addition, autonomy and responsibility play a major role of how the characters act and react to certain situations that connect to the hard times of Ireland. In Dubliners, characters often face situations that are portrayed as â€Å"light and dark.† In â€Å"The Boarding House,† Mrs. Mooney’s actions and interactions are primarily portrayed as being manipulative. She is a â€Å"dark† person and Joyce uses examples to support this. Joyce describes Mrs. Mooney as a person that is stern and is â€Å"all business.† Mrs. Mooney’s characteristics imply that she is someone to fear. In addition, Mrs. Mooney’s boarding house is run with much order. Joyce states that Mrs. Mooney â€Å"governed her house cunningly and firmly, knew when to give credit, when to be stern and when to let things pass,† which a viewer can acknowledge that Mrs. Mooney is a â€Å"dark† and fierce women when it comes down to taking actions on others (56). Furthermore, Mrs. Mooney has such a stern and superior control over the tenants that Joyce states that the â€Å"young men spoke of her as The madam,† which means a lady of respect (57). They know that Mrs. Mooney is one lady to be feared. In â€Å"The Boarding House,† Mr. Doran’s actions with Polly caused him to be fearful of Mrs. Mooney. Joyce explains how Mr. Doran’s feelings about receiving consequences from Mrs. Mooney are â€Å"dark.† Joyce exaggerates the depth of Mr. Doran’s nervousness towards receiving his sanctions were so fierce that â€Å"he felt his heart leap [†¦] in his throat† (61). Mr. Doran’s actions are so fearful that he acts as if he is being tried for murder. Mr. Doran’s fears of the consequences are so â€Å"dark† that He longed to ascend through the roof [of the Boarding House] and fly away to another country where he would never hear again of his trouble.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Syria (Syrian Republic) is a country in Western Asia, it’s neighboring countries are Turkey, Iraq, Jordan and Israel. Syria is a country of ethnic and religious diversity, it is home to the Arab Sunnis, Arab Christians, Armenians, and Assyrians; however, Arab Sunnis make up most of the population. Home to 22,457,336, the official language and lingua franca, in Syria is Arabic; nevertheless there are also other languages such as Kurdish, Armenian, Circassian, French and English are also used to communicate. Pertaining to human rights, 89.9% of the Syrian populace has drinking water sources, and 95.2% have access to sanitation facilities. In comparison to more developed countries, Syrians do not have high a literary rate of that of other countries. This is anticipated because on average, males have a school life expectancy (primary to tertiary education) of 12 years, and females have a school life expectancy of 11 years. 4% of children ages 5-14 are exposed to child labor. The i ssue of human rights has been a significant concern. Authorities in Syria are accused of arresting human rights activists, censoring websites. Specifically in Syria, women face discrimination, and are not valued in society. According to Amnesty international reports, women have been subject to discrimination and gender- based violence. Women have many social and legal restrictions in their private lives. This view of women, being subordinate to men, has carried on to politics, where women remain marginalized, and they have not had opportunities to extend their insight and leadership to others: Syrian women have long been underrepresented in Syrian politics, despite gaining the right to vote in 1949, and the right to stand as parliamentary candidates in 1953... ...n any way discourage to pursue leadership under unjust legislations. Possible solutions can also include the involvement of NGOs and member nations governments; to implement education programs, skills building and leadership training that prepare female for leadership positions. This will allow women to have expertise in the management and knowledge of global markets, advocacy and decision-making, that promote their chances of obtaining a leadership position. Additionally, transparent processes for hiring, promotion, and leadership develop should be established about to ensure that the process is free of discrimination and affirmative action quotas for hiring women should also be enforced. Works Cited

The Importance of the House in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. H

The Importance of the House in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde In The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Steveson used the architecture of Dr. Jekyll's house very intelligently. The house can be regarded to be parallel to Dr. Jekyll's double personality. Throughout the book, the house lends itself as a powerful prop, by which it is possible for Dr. Jekyll to use his house even when he is in the form of Mr. Hyde. The house, like Dr. Jekyll, has a dark side. On the front side of the house, it seems to be an elite, upper class, respectable home. However, the rest of the house is quite the opposite. As the book described it – 'discolored wall on the upper; and bore in every feature the marks of prolonged and so did negligence.'; Therefore the back door could be used by Mr. Hyde, with very few suspecting Mr. Hyde of having any connection to Dr. Jekyll. Steveson fit the architecture of the house into the story cleverly. The house supports Dr. Jekyll's secret of being Mr. Hyde at times. The house symbolizes the double personality of its ow ner. Therefore Dr. Jekyll and his house have parallel characteristics. We are introduced to the back door right at the beginning of the book. The door is said to be – ' equipped with neither bell or knocker, was blistered and distained.'; Along with the introduction of the door is the introduction of Mr. Hyde. Mr. Hyde's appearance is described as 'something displeasing, something downright detestable.'; So right from the beginning, we are aware of Mr. Hyde's connection with this mysterious door. Mr. Enfield's story on page 2 gives a good understanding of the shady character of Mr. Hyde. A quote from the book that best describes this is ' The next thing was to get the money; and where do you think he carried us but to that place with the door? – whipped out a key, went in , and presently came back with the matter of ten pounds in gold and a cheque for the balance on Coutts's, drawn payable to bearer, and signed with a name that I can't mention.'; But as the story progresses we learn that the house belongs to Dr. Jekyll. The fact that Dr. Jekyll is only seen in the front of the house, which is well furnished and respectable, brings about the contrasting features of the house. This is also a good time to note that this contradiction of the two sides of the house signifies that Dr. Jekyll is obviously hid... ...ekyll was a man, who had always followed the rules of society. He was a respectable man, and had never had any adventures. By becoming Mr. Hyde, with the help of his knowledge of science he was satisfying his evil side. But he could not altogether forget about society. Although Dr. Jekyll's reputation was still important to him, and he becomes a hypocrite in the process, he found a way to hide his hypocrisy and keep his reputation as it was. This is why he had to use his private and public identity the way he did. The house clearly caters to Dr. Jekyll's double personality. Steveson uses the house as a prop throughout the book. The story never would have worked if the house's architecture was not like it was. It is almost too much of a give-away that the house was made in this way. But no reader if the book would realize this unless, it was thought about more, or studied. In conclusion, the house of Dr. Jekyll is much more important then one would think at the beginning of the book. If the architecture was not planned by Steveson the way it was, the story would not have been as good. Steveson used the house greatly to his advantage, and greatened the mystery of the novel.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Creative Enterprise And Context

MA in INTERIOR & A ; SPATIAL DESIGN Module 7CTA1009 | Creative Enterprise And Context | Individual ReportAccredited Work Experience Your work experience may affect, for illustration:A lasting occupation that you are already making, related to your field of survey.A free-lance undertaking.An internship or work arrangement.Approximately 100 hours – including report-writing. ( e.g. 1 twenty-four hours per hebdomad for 10 hebdomads ) You should enter and reflect upon your experience, and summarize the decisions in a brooding papers. This papers shouldsketch the workthat you have conducted andwhat it has taught youabout theprofessional fieldin which you work. You should besidesreflect upon wider facets of your industry, and research how your work is located in thatlarger context. Your grade is based on the quality of thestudy,nonon the work that you do in your period of employment. You need to show thevalueof your experience, andwhat you have learned. This is acritical text. Refer to other paperss to contextualise your experiences. With the passion I have towards the profession of my dream, accepting assorted freelancing occupations over the past twelvemonth or so was the way I chose to be the stepping-stone to construct my calling. This was how and why I gain my professional experience and despite along the manner after meeting obstructions in the early phases of my calling, the experiences have made me a stronger individual to fix myself for the hereafter. Furthermore, because of my ability to get the better of the challenges I face, this has lead for me to hold more assurance in the calling I chose whilst being able to anticipate that this would non be something that I will repent. From the beginning I realized that traveling down the way of freelancing was traveling to be tough but because of the fact that I have the flexibleness to take the undertakings that I prefer played an of import function to maintain myself motivated in what I do and the calling end I would wish to accomplish. My calling end is to c onstruct an interior design house and to portion the passion I have for Interior Design. Making my occupation out of passion and non merely for the interest of fiscal addition has made my calling journey even more interesting. A brief overview to one of the many undertakings I took on was a residential undertaking located in Ampang Botanic, Klang, Malaysia. Residential design involves assorted sorts of planning and scope of building, which incorporate with cognition of human behavior –physical, psychological and cultural of the clients. Due to homes being one’s personal infinites which support the individual’s life style, interior interior decorator playsanessential function in communicating with clients. [ 1 ] The Low family’s semi-detached abode has a built-up of 3010 square pess, approximately 36 pess broad and 82.5 pess for its length and all 6 of the household members are regarded as separate clients to carry through their single demands. Based on experience, my function as an interior interior decorator and the designing procedure are really much similar regardless the graduated table or types of homes. The term ‘creative industries’ originated in the 1990s, with the UK authorities the first to follow it as a agency of promoting the acknowledgment of the economic part made by creativeness and civilization. [ 2 ] Creativity is constructed through an â€Å"interaction between manufacturer and audience† [ 3 ] , it can be argued that clients are an indispensable portion of the societal context for interior decorator. Therefore, harmonizing to the societal contextual position [ 4 ] clients may hold the possible to act upon the creativeness of interior decorator. This has examined when my clients, Low household have affected my initial thoughts for their home. I have proposed them some interior design thought, but at last they have commented and I took their remarks so blend into my initial thoughts. I have realized this could go on all the clip even though sometimes I am really steadfast and confident with my thoughts, but undeniably client’s remarks are really of import as they are the 1 who traveling to populate in the infinite. Nevertheless, I agreed with Parnes who asserted that in creativeness research shows that persons produce more fresh and utile thoughts if they believe the state of affairs encourages such behaviors. [ 5 ] I can see this when Mr. & amp ; Mrs. Low have affectively needed my sentiments, they would demo concern for the feelings and demands of me. Under these fortunes, I will be less likely concern about negative unfavorable judgment by them which can sabotage my desire to supply confident and better service. Rather, I feel more bucked up and daring to research with assorted bright colorss, stuff or form and to happen more originative solutions to a infinite. I have suggested Mr. & amp ; Mrs. Low to utilize dark colorss, such as black and dark brown for most portion of dry kitchen to make a different sort of atmosphere in this home. Furthermore, I have realized that I will put more into this undertaking when my clien ts swear me. I besides expended excess clip and attempt in researching options to the regular service provided, thereby lending to the results. Besides, one of the important things that I have learnt since I started free-lance undertaking is non all value is created equal. For me, I will merely larn what is valuable to clients by acquiring to cognize them. But on the position of clients, value contains many parts ; from cost-effectiveness to long term potency to the efficiency and smoothness of the undertaking itself. As when the brief is taken and communicate with them, seek to experience where they feel the value of undertaking lies. Clients need to cognize what they are paying for, non merely in footings of a touchable merchandise, but besides in footings of any behind-the-scenes or potency advantages which interior decorator has built into the undertaking. My function and the procedure begins with run intoing the client to garner information sing their demands to come up with thoughts to trades with the issues at manus that is brought frontward by the client or from my personal observation. Then elaborate and accurate drawings will be produced from the thoughts discussed to guarantee that the undertaking is good planned and systematic. Material choice and specification of furniture will be decided and I will oversee all the inside informations and supply more elaborate drawings where necessary when the installing takes topographic point. Assorted concern paperss have to be provided and managed for this procedure to run every bit swimmingly as possible. However, the undertaking development for this residential undertaking has the same advancement from the old undertakings I have done. This undertaking started in August last twelvemonth before I came to the United Kingdom to go on with my Postgraduate surveies. I foremost met up with Mr. and Mrs. Low on a insouciant societal footing to larn more about each other in general and to see the nature of the undertaking. I gathered every bit much information as I could to set up what their demands are and desire for their new home and after a few other subsequent phone conversations, I wrote a proposal dwelling of all the architectural and ad hoc services I would supply. After Mr. and Mrs. Low accepted my proposal, all paperss such as the agreed proposal and citation were signed before anything went frontward. Before the design work could get down, I had to detect the overall demands and restraints, which will be the model for the remainder of the undertaking. I went to the site to study in order to derive a more in depth cognition of the home and after taking note of the inside informations, I started working on the design development which I feel is the most exciting portion of a undertaking. Once this phase started, interior decorator will maintain in touch with client really frequently discussed the design and inside informations. I have developed infinites with Furniture Plans ( fig.1 ) , color strategy and construct. Within this development, interior coatings inside informations such as pigment, wall-covering, flooring, ceiling and window interventions, castings, cabinetwork and countertops will be decide every bit good. All the choices will be show in 3D Perspective Drawings ( fig.2 & A ; 3 ) for clients to hold better image to conceive of with the existent infinites. After finalisi ng the design drawings, I have confirmed with clients before get downing the concluding particularization of programs such as Mechanical & A ; Electrical ( M & A ; E ) Plans ( fig.4 ) , Reflected Ceiling Plans ( fig.5 ) , Floor Finishes Plans and others detail drawings. After design development, I have left the building and installing portion to my concern spouse, Mr. Alex who owns a custom-build furniture company. Since I am traveling to foster my surveies, Mr. Alex has coup d'etat my portion to finish this undertaking. Since I am in United Kingdom and the undertaking is in Malaysia, we use different methods depending on the state of affairs, such as electronic mail, instant messaging, picture confab or societal networking. In the interim of analyzing and working on free-lance undertakings, I have gained many accomplishments and personal qualities to be an interior interior decorator, which I think this is one of the intents of this assignment has outlined in faculty. First of wholly, being a free-lance has trained me to be more good subject and professional in originative industries, which is the chief purpose of this faculty. In originative industries, image and feeling of a interior decorator is really of import, as this is how client trust interior decorator at the beginning. If a designer’s image is bad, client will non swear them and delegate undertaking to them. Besides, I am developing an oculus for design which involves understanding a few rudimentss of perceptual experience from freelancing, which is good to my surveies every bit good. For case, I have better 3D consciousness as I have experienced the transmutation from pulling to existent object ; how lines or colorss will impact the aesthetics value and make ocular beat in a infinite ; how to utilize pattern and stuff in a design ; how to make designs that provide focal points that serve to honor the oculus ; how to accomplish ocular balance in a infinite and the difference between symmetricalness and informal balance. Besides, creativity and imaginativeness have risen throughout working on free-lance. For me, being able to pass on efficaciously is the most of import of all life accomplishments, pass oning with clients has strengthened my communicating and dialogue accomplishments. Communication is merely the act of reassigning information from one topographic point to another, how good the information can be transmitted and received is a step of how good the communicating accomplishment is. For illustration, able to talk suitably with a broad assortment of people whilst keeping good oculus contact, show a varied vocabulary and orient the linguistic communication to clients, listen efficaciously, nowadayss ideas suitably and work good in a group which requires good communicating accomplishments. With good communicating accomplishments can assist all facets of life, particularly from professional life to societal assemblages and everything in between, which now that beneficial to my freelancing, university life and societal life. Other than that, freelancing has sharpened me awareness of proficient edifice issues, the scope of relevant merchandises and stuffs. As working with free-lance undertaking in industry, I have the opportunity to larn about stuff in existent life. Assorted professional of stuffs companies have assigned the staff to convey my existent stuff samples and explained me about those merchandises. Furthermore, working in site undertaking has taught me how importance is proficient pulling in the interior design industries. If there is error in the proficient drawing, it would impact the existent object on site ; as a consequence this has indirectly trained me to be more careful on pulling. I have decided to be an interior interior decorator when I was 15 old ages old and I am working hard to accomplish my aspiration. For me, freelancing while I am prosecuting my surveies is an indispensable first measure toward my aspiration. With the result of this assignment and faculty, I am sharpening my accomplishments and allow myself fixing to accept more new challenge in my calling in future. Appendixs Figure 1: Furniture Plan, Ground Floor Figure 2: 3D Perspective Drawing of Living Area Figure 3: 3D Perspective Drawing of Dry Kitchen Figure 4: Mechanical & A ; Electrical ( M & A ; E ) Plan, Ground Floor Figure 5: Reflected Ceiling Plan, First Floor Mentions Amabile, T. M. ( 1996) Creativity in context.Boulder: Westview Press. BOP Consulting. ( 2010 )Maping the originative industries: A toolkit.[ e-book ] London: British Council. Csikszentmihalyi, M. ( 1999 )Deductions of A System Perspective for The Study of Creativity.New York: Cambridge University. Knackstedt, M. V. ( 2012 )The Interior Design Business Handbook: A Complete Guide to Profitability. New Jersey: John Wiley & A ; Sons.Madjar, N. & A ; Ortiz-Walters, R. ( 2008 ) ‘Customers as Subscribers and Reliable Evaluators of Creativity in the Service Industry’ , Journal of Organizational Behavior. [ on-line ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //[ accessed 25 April 2014 ] Parnes, S. J. ( 1964 ) ‘Research on developing originative behavior’ ,Widening skylines in creativeness.New York: Wiley. Bibliography Ball, L. ( 2003 ) . Future Directions for Employability Research in the Creative Industries. A on the job paper by the Learning and Teaching Support Network and Design Council. Knackstedt, M. V. ( 2012 )The Interior Design Business Handbook: A Complete Guide to Profitability. New Jersey: John Wiley & A ; Sons.Piotrowsk, C. M. ( 2013 )Professional Practice for Interior Designers.New Jersey: John Wiley & A ; Sons.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Plains Indians Were Cruel, Blood-Thirsty and Uncivilised

It Is the theme of all that is holy and good to separate and of us dickens legged communion it with the four legged ND the wing of the air all green things for these atomic number 18 the children of wiz mother and their father is social unity spirit Initially out firstborn-class honours degree impression of the plains Indians from evidently this source, is that they be stay loving, good natured folk with pure police wagon and love and valuate for all creatures, we flummox them referring to all creatures as bear on.This In mavin way makes them appear more civilize from their uncontaminating Ameri bathroom brothers, as we pick out that the Ameri back tooths did non debate that humans were equal to plants or animals. These beliefs of the plains Indians fail us a first impression that causes us to protest with the initial read/write head. From source quintuplet on scalawag thirteen, Black Elk describes his vision, this is in all probability where we, as h istorians may choose to question their level of civilization compared to the exsanguinous American folk, and even us.We In the 21st ampere- plump for certainly do non go more or less searching for visions and neither did the innocence Americans. So does this cause me to question how classed the plains Indians very were? To be perfectly h mavinst, no it does non. I recollect it is just like if 1 were to question the religion of another person, the Indians did not quest for scions and talk to spirits because they were less(prenominal) developed and/or less cultivated than us or the white Americans, it was uncomplicated their tradition and belief, much like Islamic belief In the teachings of Muhammad.This life of conversing with spirits and questing for visions suited them perfectly and does not budge my opinions on them so far. Perhaps the second thing we encounter In this unit Is the various rituals and dances the plains Indians took p ruse in, at first this does not ha ve the appearance _or_ semblance to strange as it is another one of their beliefs and traditions, barely after(prenominal) we admit studied these in ore dot we might be slightly surprise to learn the details of a few dances in particular, one of these dances (the sunbathe dance) is considered earlier horrific and brutal In my opinion.The sun dance involves an Indian merry, having gashes cut Into his spine, and ropes latched onto the underframe Inside and hung from a tree, this young put up would then partake in dancing and praying to the great spirit (known as modify Tank). This is one of the things that greatly shocked the white American mint, to them it was considered horrific and taboo, they thought such(prenominal)(prenominal) beliefs of the plains Indians were ludicrous, and ca utilize their opinions of the tribes to waiver, and study them sanguineous and immoral. Studying the tribes, I can say I agree.This was middling save another one of the Indians traditio ns, they knew In their hearts that good would a bloodthirsty process, perhaps it was interpreted so by the white American people, but to the Indians it was s chargeful a perfectly convening and familiar tradition that bore no malevolence or anything considered (to them) bloodthirsty. Moving on, we began to study in detail how the plains Indians hunted and gathitherd food, that is to say in the framing f search buffalo. The main way, in which the Indians hunted buffalo was on horseback, using bows and arrows in graze to kill the game and cosmos back the carcasses for food, and many other uses.This would seem modal(prenominal) to them, however to the white Americans it could be somewhat frowned upon and seen as noncivilized, again I resist. When the Americans learn that the buffalo was used for more than skillful meat one can conjecture their reply, they were not used to such interposition of animals, normally the American people would scarcely take the meat and pos sibly the did. yet the plains Indians used almost every case-by-case part of the beast, including many of the organs and bones.Naturally the Americans who would evidently be afraid of their cultural differences adage this as bloodthirsty when of course the Indians were rightful(prenominal) macrocosm practical, rather than uncivilized. I can empathic why the Americans might have thought the way they did though, I typify wouldnt you be surprised if your neighbor started using dung as a form of fuel for their car? Continuing on to another significant point of summon was the family life of the lain Indians this is believably where the white American folk acquired all their assumptions of the plains Indians.To being with, the Americans plausibly frowned upon the fact that the Indians were always moving, I can understand why as the American people were probably settles, happy and issue with where they lived, however the plains Indians always being on the sound might have caused them to seem somewhat homeless, like a aimless on the streets to the Americans perhaps? I differ with this because I believe that the plains Indians thought the full-page plains s their homes, not Just one little settlement.Source nine on page twenty five, an extract from a nurse by George Cattail explains that women who are giving consanguinity pass through the painful work at with ease, although there is little evidence to hand over this, perhaps this was excessively thought uncivilized by the American folk, this might be because the women, who were simple giving birth with no huge amount of suffering, leads us to believe they encounter such labor in daily life, or have sufficient to such conditions, the Americans clearly could not divvy up with child birth in the tell(prenominal) way that he Indian women could so they may have thought that their lives were a lot more physical, stressful and tiring compared to theirs. This however is not true in my opinion because the Indians Just went about their lives in the way that they did, and this somewhat of an adaptation was a mere side effect of their roving lives (being on horseback often).Another motive that causes me to disagree with the line of reasoning is the way that children are treated, it is say on page twenty five that the children of the tribe were very rarely misbehaved, and were taught to respect all living things ND elders from birth. They were as well rarely punished, and in extreme cases they still had cold water thrown on them. This seems a lot less virulent than the way modern man deals with children and also the how the American folk did too. This is another reason that makes the Indians seem more civilized in a way, as their children seemed to be a lot better behaved, despite being breast fed for all-night. Moving on to and cruel.The whit American folk would sell for their elders, put them in homes so they could be treated to help them live longer and keep them happy. Howev er old people often were Just left goat when they became too weak to travel, to die on their own. Or some even went rack up to die by themselves. This I moldiness admit seems rather cruel, but it was usually by the elders choice and so it does not seem as bad as it initially seems to be. Widows also, seemed to be dealt with in a strange manner compared to today, when a brave was killed in battle, the widow would soon be married to another man, to keep the fair sex protected, and also so more children could be conceived.Moving on once more, I think that in terms of how law and raise ere kept, the Indians were a lot less organized, however this worked for them very well. In source two on page twenty nine, we dumbfound that the Comanche tribe elect headland in a very unconventional way, it is express No one made him such he Just got that way. This suggests that the actual chief of the tribe was not selected because of diplomatic, politic or people skills, he Just scarce seemed a goof man for the Job. This would give an impression of uncivilized behavior toward said white Americans, but once again, to them it seemed normal and thought well of. As we move on to talk bout battles, this is probably where all the accusations of blood thirst and stiffness matter most.The Indians had very diametric beliefs and ideas about battles and bravery, the most prominent example of this is of course, scalping. Scalping is the art of literally, cutting off an enemys scalp in the midst of battle, now this seems very abrasive at first look, the poor victim doesnt necessarily have to be jobless to receive this treatment, so why does it knock? What makes these people so cruel? Is it because they are indeed, bloodthirsty and malevolent? After certain study of various source, I o not believe so. Although to the victim, and to the historian who observes this act for the first time, it seems that this is simple bloodless in the heat of battle, the plains Indians have very different reasons for this treatment.You see, within a tribe there are various ranks of men, these ranks are situated by how brave the particular warrior performs in battle, to touch and enemy, to steal a horse, to kill a man is all counted toward the Indians honor, to get under ones skin back an enemy scalp is not a thirst for blood or an act of cruelty, it is a prize of honor, and substantiation to the tribe that the airier is skilled in battle. These scalps are dried out and hung, or used to adorn the warriors body to show what a skilled warrior he was. However as white Americans believed bravery was achieved by simply standing and fighting until you died for your country, naturally this reaction was probably one of fear, and perhaps disbelief.These accusations of being uncivilized and cruel are by no kernel true in my opinion, I believe it is down to ignorance of the white Americans who observed the Indians, it is not that they are bloodthirsty, but the clash and blatant di fferences in the cultures ads the more civilized in to believing so. If one was in a situation where you Were in one of these Indian tribes, you would by no means think you are bloodthirsty, uncivilized and cruel. So to conclude, I disagree with this earlier statement because I believe the Indians were Just behaving in a way which seemed normal to them, and I strongly think that the Indians did not believe that they were cruel. Which I believe is what matters most. These rituals and battle procedures were important, apparitional and normal to them, and that in my eyes does not make them bloodthirsty or malicious in